My first solo show in Paris, Vanités Sacrées, opened at Galerie LJ on September 1st along with a concurrently running solo show by Korean artist, Eun-Mi Oh.

Her prints (which were all series of one) were my favorites.
I only managed to click off a few photos before the evening turned into a blur. My favorite part was having an elderly couple from Spain corner me for an impassioned discussion about Mormon hairstyles:
About the work (from the gallery’s website):
"Show me how you wear your hair, and I will tell you to whom you pray."All drawings can be seen online here. Contact Adeline Jeudy for more information. Remaining works will go on to the Drawing Now salon at the Louvre in spring 2012.
Twenty graphite and colored pencil drawings by Jenny Hart. These works depict “subjects that cover their heads or fashion their hair for religious reasons. Specifically not when only done as decoration for special religious ceremonies, but when worn as part of daily life and every day dress.” Braids, wigs, veils, chador, sheitel, curled sideburns and a non-exhaustive variety of religious stylings reflect a curiosity by the artist for the subject, without criticism or judgement. Fascinated by the different techniques of embroidery, the other principal medium of Hart’s work, she says she loves to draw embroidery stitches and is equally fascinated with their execution as they parallel the knotting, weaving and embellishment that hair can also take on.
Vanités Sacrées (solo show)
@ Galerie LJ, Paris, France
opens: Sept 1 until *Oct 18 2011
*the exhibition will be closed Sept 27 - Oct 10
for private functions during Paris fashion week
@ Galerie LJ, Paris, France
opens: Sept 1 until *Oct 18 2011
*the exhibition will be closed Sept 27 - Oct 10
for private functions during Paris fashion week