Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This week finally allowed me some time to get back to this work-in-progress that I began in April. Here's what's been emerging after around twelve hours of work. I can embroider for an hour at a time, take a break and then do another hour. I typically embroider 1-2 hours each day. When I first started, I spent 3-4 hours embroidering every day from 2000-2005 (then the demands of Sublime Stitching prevented that). But now, I'm back to embroidering nearly every evening. Click the image to enlarge.

I'll be posting more complete images in sequence from this work (and others) on my Flickr account as I work on them. You can also view the entries here labeled under "wip" (but more detailed steps will go on Flickr). If you'd like access to images on my Flickr account that show my process more closely, send me a flickrmail requesting I make you a friend.
